Body protection "against everything": what does it mean? As you know, the body is the most expensive part of the car.
Areas to pay attention
Protecting the body, it is not only the protection of its bottom and wheel wells from corrosion, but a whole complex of the most diverse "measures":
- anti-corrosion coatings of metal body parts and panels;
- special devices and other "devices" for protection of wheel arches, engine crankcases, gearboxes, axles, etc;
- care of paint coatings;
- interior care;
- maintenance of mechanical joints and assemblies (door hinges, trunk lids, engine compartment, etc.)
Round care of windows, including not only exterior glazing, but also headlights, taillights, etc.
Metal body parts
The most vulnerable parts are thresholds and wheel wells (and bottom part of course), that is why modern manufacturers pay much attention to protection of these body elements at the design stage of the next models. However, no matter how much petrol heads try to protect their the cars, it rust anyway...
The best anti-rust solution for a vehicle is to protect it both side. The air pressure throughout technical nozzles spray anti-corrosion coatings inside body panels. It creates a kind of "fog" in the body cavities, which settles on the inner walls and protects the metal from environmental aggressions. Almost every manufacture install additional plastic protections of wheel arches. If arches of your car are not protected, as well as if your car has no "aprons" and mudguards, it is necessary to install them immediately. Covering the underbody with sealing compound will discourage corrosion. It can be sprayed under pressure or brushed on. An underbody seal treatment will protect car for a years. We recommend having your vehicle inspected and having a coat reapplied if necessary once a year for optimal protection.
Almost every manufacturer considers it its duty today to install additional plastic protections of wheel arches. However, as well as a protection of gearbox and crankcase sump. If arches of your car are not protected, as well as if your car has no aprons and mudguards, it is necessary to install them unconditionally, otherwise the sand-jet and detritus from under wheels will do their "aggressive-corrosive" business.
Paint and clearcoat coating
Paintwork, besides its aesthetic value, is also intended for protection. Chips, microcracks, etc. at first appear as "rusts", and if you have begun to see them, it means that corrosion processes are already in full swing inside, underneath the paint coating. It is necessary to stop such things immediately, otherwise the process becomes irreversible and, the main thing, completely uncontrollable. We recommend to use paint protection film and ceramic coatings as well. Ultimate PPF perfectly protect not only paintwork, but also can armor your car windows, headlamps and interior too.
Bodywork and Other Equipment
It would seem that the recommendations for maintenance of locks, hinges and other similar "equipment" - from the category of commonplace, however practice shows that even experienced car owners often forget about it. As well as about maintenance of glasses and optical devices - headlights, lights, headlamps etc. In spite of the fact that polycarbonate has long ago replaced glass in headlights, it still needs to be maintained as well:
- not to be wiped "dry" and with the same dry cloth;
- periodically checked for functionality, as it is the most important component of the car's active safety;
- periodically wash, clean/polish glass and headlights;
- and don't forget to lubricate rubber door seals!