Car body is subjected to various kinds of tests. Over time, the layer of paintwork wears away, scratches and other defects. A well-maintained body is not only noticeable on the roads, but also increases the value of the car by 10-20%.
We remove 90-95% of all scratches and imperfections!
Polishing is necessary when the car body is covered with numerous scratches and other defects. Car polishing is done in several stages using orbital and eccentric polishing machines. The body polishing process takes an average of 12-16 hours.
Progress has not ignored the technology of car polishing. A huge number of pastes, compounds, silants, waxes and other polishes are in abundance on the Internet. Why? Every car is different! The same goes for the paintwork, which is the first to take all the external factors: chemicals, UV, mechanical "loads". There is no single correct algorithm for polishing lacquer. Each car needs to select its own system and approach.
Polishing is performed with the use of orbital and rotary polishers. We use only the best materials from Koch, Gyeon, Wurth and Mirka. New this season we would like to point out Geyon pastes that contain SiO2 - nanoceramics particles. The result of polishing is a deeper, richer shine.
Periodic preventive maintenance prolongs the life of the paint coating, and a well-groomed body increases the value of the car by 10-20%.
What is shine?
Shine (or gloss) is the ability of a surface to reflect light. It is well known that no matter how carefully a driver treats his car, the ageing of the paintwork cannot be avoided. Washing in bad conditions causes the dirt to smear all over the body, the dust and sand get on the coating has an abrasive effect, and the occasional acid rain, as well as salt and various reagents occurring on the roads also have an influence on the condition. Mechanical and chemical corrosive influences on the car body destroy the paint coating. Sand, bushes, salt, and other factors cause the bodywork to become muddy and scratched. The color fades, losing its depth and saturation. As a result, the paintwork is quite easily covered with microcracks and visible defects.
Shagreen on the lacquer
Every car, without exception, has a factory shagreen, which depends on the technology of applying the paintwork. Shagreen is a ripple on the top layer of lacquer. It is somewhat reminiscent of the orange peel. To correct the shagreen they used abrasives, thus making the paint layer smaller. Modern nanocoats smooth out the shagreen (depending on the number of coats) without destroying the varnish.
Nanoceramics is a protective coating for the latest generation of automobiles. Nano-ceramic protection is made to "preserve" the bodywork after polishing. After crystallization they form a layer of SiO2, or silicon dioxide (also called nanoceramics), which protects the paintwork from subsequent negative environmental effects. Nanoceramics interacts with the lacquer at the molecular level and forms a protective layer of the body.
Ceramic Pro 9H nanoceramics
Ceramic Pro 9H is the latest generation of nano-coating to protect the body from damage and negative environmental impact. Due to its chemical formula and high degree of purification, the nanocoating can be applied up to 10 layers. Each additional layer adds depth to the gloss and hardness of the paintwork.
What kind of defects can be polished?
- Scuffing and clouding of the varnish. For example, when you hit a bumper somewhere or hit a door with a cart.
- Foreign paint - road markings, bitumen.
- Scratches and abrasions no deeper than 40-50 microns.
- Holograms and cobwebs after washes or bad polishes.
- Small dust particles that are deposited during the painting process.
- Acid stains that are not deeply embedded in the paintwork.
- Shagreen or orange peel.
Safety for the paintwork
Many people think that polishing is the removal of the top layer of paintwork. This is bad, because there will remain a thin layer of varnish and it is easy to destroy it. Therefore, some motorists are wary of such services. Indeed, one of the simple methods of removing the scratch is to "cut off" it along with the varnish layer.
We do not "cut off" the varnish layer! Our polishing technology restores paintwork without the use of abrasives.
There are defects and damages that can only be polished with abrasives. But in most cases this is not necessary. Our technology of work is absolutely safe. The thickness of the paint layer of the car body is on average 100 microns. We not only preserve this layer as much as possible, but also make it stronger! The technology of restoration is based on the fluidity of the lacquer and the possibility of changing its shape under pressure.
Give your car a second life!
Preparation, meticulousness, and perfection are the keys to achieving great results in car aesthetics. It doesn't matter what fancy polish is used or how many coats of it are applied to the body. You can not achieve good results if you do not carefully prepare the surface of the body and not perform all stages of work consistently.
Auto Gloss obsessed
- We do not "cut off" the layer of paintwork! Our polishing technology allows you to preserve the paintwork as much as possible.
- In the process of polishing only modern materials and equipment are used.
- Individual approach depending on the condition and type of the paint layer.
- We guarantee a great look of your car for a long time!